Guidelines for Guest Speakers

Guidelines for Guest Speakers

Thank you for your desire to serve as a guest speaker and for agreeing to share your expertise and experience at a meeting of Claremont Sunrise Rotary.

Entrance is through The Claremont Club's (1777 Monte Vista Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711) reception area and the friendly team will guide you from reception to the remodeled Stonehouse room.  The Stonehouse is to the north (take a right) after entering through the reception area. Our members begin to arrive at about 7:15 am for coffee and a catered hot buffet breakfast. Meetings usually begin at 7:30 am and conclude at 8:30 am. You are our guest - so when you arrive, please sign in and let the Club Secretary know you are the guest speaker and enjoy a complimentary breakfast.  

The Rotarian who invited you will introduce you. We ask that you provide them with the introduction information you wish used, (well before the event date, if possible).

The guest speaker is normally introduced at about 8:00 am. Club members expect our speakers to make a 20-minute presentation, followed by a few minutes of questions and answers. If needed, we may be able to adjust our starting time to allow for your needs. Please conclude your presentation and Q&A by 8:27 am so we may have a few minutes for final parting comments wrapping up no later than 8:30 am. Many members must leave for work or other meetings. You may stay after the meeting and chat with members who wish to stay longer with questions.

The club has audio-visual technology available. Please be sure to use the microphone provided; our members at the back of the room will remind you if you forget. A Windows computer connected to a television is available for PowerPoint presentations, please let us know in advance if you would like to use it so that we can ensure it is set up. Wifi at our meeting location is not great, so we suggest loading your PowerPoint presentation on a USB thumb drive and not rely on streaming content. Our club has 20-30 members and guests in attendance at any given meeting. Handouts for club members are always welcome.

Claremont Sunrise Rotary makes a concerted, ongoing effort to be a diverse and inclusive organization. We ask that you convey your remarks without bias toward race, gender, religion, political party, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Refrain from taking political positions, making sales pitches, and soliciting funds. Requests for donations from the club need to be made to the
Foundation Chair in writing, as opposed to being solicited from the members during your presentation. You can present a request to the Chair to be considered at the next regularly scheduled Foundation meeting.

Please let the Rotarian who invited you know if you have specific needs, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

THANK YOU. We look forward to your visit and your presentation.


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