Claremont Sunrise Rotary Photo Gallery

Amputee LN4 Hand Service Project
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The LN4 prosthetic hand is a low-cost, light, durable, and functional prosthetic hand. Friend of CSR Maurice LeBlanc, along with Ernie Meadows and Michael Mendonca, led award-winning mechanical engineer team focused on assistive technology with special interest in upper-limb prosthesis, all worked to develop a hand that could be cheaply produced but maintain a high level of quality.

Mexico House Build In 1 Day Service Project
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We have participated rolling up our sleeves in this hands-on, international service project in Tecate, Mexico for decades. Working with Corazon, Inc., a non-profit from Orange County, we build a house for a family in a day (sometimes a few houses if we have enough volunteers).
All skill levels and ages are welcome, but a passport is required. Kids, especially come out of this project with a deeper understanding and educational experience of charity and what it is to give back.

Teen Leadership Camp TLC Service Project
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Our club sponsors local High School juniors to go to Teen Leadership Camp for Rotary District 5300 every year in the local mountains.

Veterans Top Golf Fundraiser Service Project
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Gathered at Top Golf Ontario CA to raise awareness and funds for Inland Empire Veterans.

Wilderness Park Shade Structure Service Project
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Claremont Sunrise Rotary helped the community erect and is instrumental in the ongoing maintenance of the Claremont Wilderness Park Shade Structure at 'the Loop'. Providing a much needed rest area from the sun in the summer months or break from unexpected rain and inclement weather other times, it's always a welcome mile marker on your walk, hike, bike, or canine edventure.

Other Service Projects
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Rotarians make a difference in our community and around the world. Is there a project happening that needs you?
We use our knowledge of local issues to identify areas of need, then apply our expertise and diverse perspectives to find a solution. Rotary members are working in our community right now to feed the hungry, tutor disadvantaged children, maintain parks and playgrounds, and much more. You can help.

People of Action
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Photos of Claremont Sunrise Rotarians caught bettering our Claremont and surrounding communities during Service Projects, Meetings, Fellowship, Professional, and Fun moments.

Sunrise Meetings
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Claremont Sunrise Rotary meets weekly in the early morning for fellowship, breakfast, and an informative, interesting presentation from a guest speaker. We start setup around 7am, eat breakfast at 7:15am, begin our meeting with an inspirational quote or moment from a member, may have some guests or donate to an attending community organization, then get to enjoy the guest speaker's presentation with Q&A, done by 8:30am. RSVP for the 1st-4th Wednesday mornings 7:15am at 830 W Bonita Avenue.

Sunset Social Fellowships
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Claremont Sunrise Rotary also does a Sunset social fellowship each 5th Wednesday if the month has one or to honor our Turkey Trot fundraiser sponsors, etc.

Turkey Trot Fundraiser
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Thanksgiving morning's 5k run/walk + 1k kids fun run has been Claremont Sunrise Rotary's annual fundraiser since 2007. More Turkey Trot photos are available in the main menu above.
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